Phire CMS : Open Source Content Management System

Phire CMS

In this section, we'll outline how to access and manage everything under the System navigation tab.

System > Sites

Under add or edit site, you'll find a pretty in-depth array of options to manage your site or sites within the system. Of course, "Site Domain" and "Site Document Root" are required. Then there are the "Default Site Settings" which allow you to set some basic defaults for the site to use.

Under "Site Image & File Settings" you can set pretty granular control over what types of files and images can be uploaded and what size limits there should be. Also, this is where you set any image process control settings if necessary. Setting these to "None" will turn off any image processing.

Next is the "Site Interaction Settings," which give you fine-grain control over what level of interaction you'd like to have from site members, which can range from none to a great deal. This is where you can allow members to register, login and leave comments. You can set the set of member data you want to collect under "Registration." You can force an SSL connection for all member transactions under this section as well. Plus, you can set your spam rules and whether or not to use an image CAPTCHA at input points.

"Site Member Redirects" allow you to set custom redirect pages for the standard array of member actions. For example, if you want the member to go to a custom page after logging into the site, you can set the URL for that page under "Login."

In the last section, "Site Access Settings," of course, you can set things like whether or not the site is live, uses page caching or forces an SSL connection for the entire site. You can set the internal syndication feed type and limit here as well.

Installing an Additional Site

One of the strengths of Phire CMS is the ability to install and manage multiple sites from the same admin interface. To install an additional site, simply unzip the included archive file,, into the additional site's document root. The folder structure of the new site has to follow the same folder structure as the main site. Please follow the instructions in the included README.TXT file for more information

However, in order for Phire CMS and the multiple site feature to work properly, there must NOT be any directory access restrictions (i.e., PHP's open_basedir flag) between the where Phire CMS is installed and where the additional sites are located.

System > Members

Under "Members," you can easily mine your member data from you sites. You can import new members, export existing ones, or add or edit members one at a time. When importing members, there is a CSV template available for download that lays out the format that the system expects to receive from a file imported.

You'll find a pretty in-depth array of options to manage your site or sites within the system. Of course, "Site Domain" and "Site Document Root" are required. Then there are the "Default Site Settings" which allow you to set some basic defaults for the site to use.

System > Users

Under "Users," you can manage the system users. There is also the ability to "View Active Sessions" which let you monitor who's logged into the system and destroy any unauthorized user sessions.

When you add or edit a user, you'll be required to fill in all of the information requested. Under "Access Settings," you can set the level of access you wish to grant the user, plus which sites the user is allowed to work on. If the user is only allowed to work on one site, when that user logs in, they will not see any content or assets except for that which is assign to that one site. The varying levels of access break out like this:

  • Blocked — Cannot log in
  • Restricted — Access to only Content and Assets
  • Basic — Access to only Content, Assets and Extensions
  • Full — Access to Content, Assets, Extensions and System Sites and Members
  • Admin — Access to the entire system

System > Configuration

Under "Configuration," you have access to manage a pretty robust set of global system control and security features. One very useful feature is the "sync detection" feature. Upon login, the system checks to verify the server configuration has not changed. If it has and something has gotten out of sync, you will be notified and be directed to a link that will assist you in "re-syncing" the system. This is very helpful when managing things like server upgrades or migrating an install of the CMS from one server to another. Things that can get out of sync are things such as the operating system, software versions and system document root.

Here's a quick overview of some of the action items under "Configuration":

  • Force an SSL connection for system access
  • Allow or disallow mobile system access
  • Allow or disallow multiple user sessions
  • Activate IP screening to allow or block an IP address or certain sets of IP addresses
  • Turn on or off user verification and password encoding
  • Set table optimization and frequency
  • Set a number of allowed failed login attempts
  • Set the system pagination limit and range
  • Set a default editor (if one is installed)
  • Set a "last resort" default system template that can be used if no template is assigned to a page
  • Manage the content types that are available to the system
  • Manage the character sets that are available to the system